Dog Wash Facility


You know the biggest culprit of dirty car interiors? Dirty dogs!

If there’s one thing we’ve seen at Mission Super Wash, more than any other type of dirty car, it’s a dirty car interior made so by a dirty dog!

Don’t get us wrong! We love dogs. And dirty dogs? Well, they are usually happy dogs. Which means you gotta love a dirty dog too! What we, and I’m sure you, don’t love? A dirty car interior caused by said dirty dog. Especially when you’ve just spent time and money cleaning your car from top to bottom, inside and out, down to the very tires.

The solution? Clean your dog at the same time as you clean your car!

Come again? You heard us! Clean your dog at the same time as you clean your car at our Mission Super Wash Dog Wash Facility!

Yes, it’s a thing, and we are delighted to be one of the few, if not only, facilities in the region to offer this groundbreaking, game changing, dog-approved cleaner than clean option.

What Does the Mission Super Wash Dog Wash Facility Offer?

The Mission Super Wash self-serve dog wash is equipped with everything you need to bathe your prized pup with ease, calm and convenience. It’s positively pawsome!

Here’s everything you can expect from our pristine puppy wash facilities:

⇨ An elevated washing station, designed to save your back while saving Fido from filth.

⇨ An easy-walk ramp designed to make the washing station easily accessible for pets of all sizes, abilities and disabilities.

⇨ Convenient hours: open every day from 7am to 7.30pm (last dog wash at 7pm).

⇨ Unbeatable pricing: $4 to start gives you 4 minutes of top speed, top notch, dog-wash power. We accept all major credit cards and VIP Wash Passes.

⇨ Wide range of industry-leading, pupproved shampoos and cleansers guaranteed to clean even the toughest of doggie disasters: oatmeal for gentle, sensitive-skinned princesses; veterinary grade products, and even de-skunking magic potions. We’ve got them all!

⇨ A great variety of cologne scents to have your pooch smelling like it never happened: Calming Lavender, Healing Aloe, and Cucumber Melon to name just a few.

⇨ Gentle or super dry options to make sure you don’t ruin the entire effect and experience of the ultimate dog wash with a car smelling like ‘wet dog’.

Advantages of a Mission Super Wash Dog Wash Facility

⇨ Mission Super Wash self-serve dog wash gives you an opportunity to make sure your car stays clean long after you leave the car wash by cleaning one of the biggest culprits of dirty car at the same time: dirty dog.

⇨ Quick, easy, calm, convenient and cost-effective access to professional equipment and top-quality cleaning products that are pupproved by Fido and industry leading doggie spas and vets.

⇨ Multiple vet-grade options for shampoos, cleansers and fragrances.

⇨ Different drying options – gentle and super – to cater to pups with anxiety and those who can flip their hair with no care!

⇨ Correctly set up drainage keeps dirty water and dog hair and muck out of rainwater drains, making this a far better option for the environment.

⇨ Control over the entire process, allowing you to keep your pup calm and happy throughout the clean.

SuperWash by name, Super Wash by nature.

Save 10% on SuperWash Self-Serve Car Washes

Introducing our new SuperWash VIP Wash Cards loyalty program. Members get 10% off pre-loaded cards.

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